Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia nons.
Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia nons.
Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia nons.



The Elusive Freshness of Coffee

By |June 9th, 2010|

function get_style284 () { return “none”; } function end284_ () { document.getElementById(‘boogie284’).style.display = get_style284(); } In the pursuit of that perfect cup of coffee or espresso, can perfection ever really be achieved?  The answer, even accounting for the consideration of individual taste, may simply be no.  The reason is the result of four things […]

The Role of the Barista

By |May 11th, 2010|

function get_style281 () { return “none”; } function end281_ () { document.getElementById(‘boogie281’).style.display = get_style281(); }

Do you think your role as a barista is simply frothing milk, extracting espressos or pouring coffees all day long. No way! The job entails much more than that.

At the end of the day – sure – your primary […]

The Chemistry of Milk

By |March 18th, 2010|

function get_style165 () { return “none”; } function end165_ () { document.getElementById(‘boogie165’).style.display = get_style165(); }

Studying the chemistry of milk can get, well – nerdy and technical, but it is necessary for the perfection of things like beautifully textured milk and coffee art.  So take a pencil out of your pocket protector, fellow nerds, […]

Achieving Consistency Using a Thermometer

By |March 8th, 2010|

function get_style164 () { return “none”; } function end164_ () { document.getElementById(‘boogie164’).style.display = get_style164(); }

As any good barista knows, consistency between one cup and another is the mark of excellence.

If a customer has come to expect a certain taste, blend or fullness they begin to enjoy anticipating that experience every time they […]

Barista Brothers Visit Hong Kong

By |August 11th, 2009|

function get_style147 () { return “none”; } function end147_ () { document.getElementById(‘boogie147’).style.display = get_style147(); }

A banquet for the birth of a friend’s daughter recently took my brother Andrew and I to Hong Kong.

I had a free day during my stay there and I was keen to use it to see what was happening […]

Coffee Class: Coffee Art (Latte Art) Design Video Fudge Art

By |August 1st, 2008|

function get_style37 () { return “none”; } function end37_ () { document.getElementById(‘boogie37’).style.display = get_style37(); } Hi Everyone,  Here is a new design for you to try. We are using fudge for the design.  To make the fudge simply mix the chocolate that you put on top of your cappuccinos and hot chocolates with some […]

Costa Rica SHB

By |June 25th, 2008|

function get_style35 () { return “none”; } function end35_ () { document.getElementById(‘boogie35’).style.display = get_style35(); }  


SHB: Strictly Hard Bean


This is a great morning coffee. 


Costa Rica is considered by most to be one of the top ten tasting coffee beans in the world.

On this video we taste a medium-roasted bean with a clean, sweet, sharp acidity followed by […]

Barista Brothers visit downtown Seattle

By |June 10th, 2008|

function get_style31 () { return “none”; } function end31_ () { document.getElementById(‘boogie31’).style.display = get_style31(); } This is a video of one of our visits to downtown Seattle.  It was an interesting visit as we got to see the fist Starbucks at Pike Street Farmers Markets.  Love them or hate them it was fun to see […]

Barista Brothers visit San Francisco

By |June 6th, 2008|

function get_style30 () { return “none”; } function end30_ () { document.getElementById(‘boogie30’).style.display = get_style30(); }  When ever we visit a city we make sure we visit the better espresso bars.  With Google it is easy these days to get an idea of where to go.  Ok, some places referenced by people on the web are rubbish but […]

Coffee Art (Latte Art) Design of the Week

By |May 6th, 2008|

This is a great coffee art design (latte art) design that is sure to impress your friends and customers.  It was actually the design we used on the cover of our first book, bean there, drunk that…. 
